Arboretum brings Cornwall’s urban forest to life in Lamoureux Park



There’s a new attraction in Lamoureux Park that is sure to interest nature lovers.

The Lamoureux Park Arboretum is now open for visitors looking to discover more about Cornwall’s urban forest. Located along the Waterfront Trail between the Cornwall Community Museum and the Rotary Eco Gardens, the Arboretum showcases 44 different types of tree species that make up Cornwall’s tree canopy in one convenient place.

“It’s a great walk for visitors and residents who enjoy the outdoors and the St. Lawrence River,” said Scott Porter, Parks and Landscaping Supervisor. “It’s also helpful for people who are looking at planting a tree and want to learn more about different species.”

In the Arboretum, there are two of each species planted in pairs, and each tree has a tag that identifies its name in English, French, Latin and braille.

The addition of braille has already generated positive feedback from nature lovers with visual disabilities.

“Every tree has a different structure and shape, a different type of bark, a different smell and different flowers,” said Mr. Porter. “We want every resident to be able to enjoy this unique part of Lamoureux Park.”

The full tour of the Arboretum would take about an hour to complete. To make it easier to follow along, a map of the Arboretum is available at the Cornwall Tourism Visitor Centre inside the Cornwall Community Museum in Lamoureux Park. The Visitor Centre is open daily from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

You can also visit the Arboretum virtually with our handly interactive online map!

Click here to view the interactive Arboretum map app

About Lamoureux Park
Cornwall’s showcase park, Lamoureux Park runs along the shoreline of the St. Lawrence River in Downtown Cornwall. The park is named after Lucien Lamoureux, a former Member of Parliament for the Cornwall area and Speaker of the House of Commons from 1966 to 1974. The park plays host to dozens of special events each year and is home to numerous attractions including the Waterfront Trail, the Cornwall Community Museum, Cornwall Civic Complex and Aquatic Centre, the Lion’s Club Bandshell and the Rotary Eco-Gardens.

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Additional Information
Planning a visit to Cornwall? Cornwall Tourism can help. Email us at to request a copy of our Visitor Guide or contact us at (613) 936-0842. You can also stop by our Visitor Information Centre inside the Cornwall Community Museum (160 Water Street West) in Lamoureux Park.

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Article by Kevin Lajoie