Choose Cornwall creates COVID-19 info hub
Cornwall Economic Development has developed an online resource for businesses and employers looking to navigate the ever-changing environment resulting from ongoing efforts to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The COVID-19 Cornwall Business Digest gathers up major news and program updates that are relevant to local businesses and organizations and makes it available on a single web resource that is updated daily.
The Digest also provides access to a 17-page downloadable guide to government supports as well as providing links to local, provincial and national websites that offer information to businesses.
“New information is coming out daily and it can be a challenge to sift through all of the websites to find information that is relevant to local business owners, managers and other employers,” said Bob Peters, Division Manager of Economic Development. “The Digest provides as central spot to access business information. Economic development staff, including Cornwall Tourism and the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre are responding directly to any enquiries from our local business community.”
In addition to the Digest, weekly emails are being sent out to Cornwall Economic Development’s mailing list of local businesses. You can subscribe to the newsletter via the Home Page or Contact Us page.
Cornwall Economic Development staff is working with local partners, including the Chamber of Commerce, Cornwall & the Counties Community Futures Development Corporation and the Eastern Ontario Training Board – as well as senior government officials – to ensure the information is as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
While the COVID-19 Cornwall Business Digest is aimed at the business community, it is meant to complement the City of Cornwall’s COVID-19 information page as well as that of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit and the Cornwall Community Hospital.
Check out our list of restaurants in Cornwall, ON here.
We summarize the latest news about the impacts of COVID-19 on Cornwall businesses on a daily basis. Click on the following link to view:
Article by Dana McLean