Fishing Week 2018: Make it a Shore Thing
It’s Family Fishing Week! Twice a year, Canadian residents can fish in Ontario without buying a fishing license in February and July.
From June 30-July 8, grab your fishing gear and head on over to the St. Lawrence River to catch some fish! Keep reading to learn some fun facts about fish and to learn more about Family Fishing Week rules and regulations.
Fun Facts About Fish
- Fish are older than dinosaurs!
- Fish have been on earth for more than 450 million years, long before the dinosaurs roamed the earth
- We have explored only about 5% of the ocean
- There are over 25,000 known specifies of fish, with an estimated 15,000 fish species that have not yet been identified
- Goldfish have teeth
- They’re called pharyngeal teeth located in their throat, and they help crush their foods
- Some fish can talk to each other
- Some species can contract their swim bladders to create vibrations to communicate with other fish
- Goldfish can be trained
- They can remember things up to 5 months, and they can associate certain sounds with feeding time
- An electric eel can shock a horse off its feet
- They can emit up to 600 volts. Ouch!
- Some jellyfish can age backwards
- They transform existing cells into a younger state in times of crisis
About Family Fishing Week
June 30-July 8 is the Ontario Government designated period for license-free fishing. Normally, Canadians between the ages of 18 and 64 must purchase a valid Ontario fishing license, but this week is an exception. This is perfect for newcomers who have never gone fishing or purchased a fishing license.
With the exception of the licensing requirement, you must:
- Follow conservation license catch limits
- Obey size limits and sanctuaries
- Follow the fishing regulations
Click here to learn more about fishing week!
Locations to fish in/near Cornwall
- Lamoureux Park
- The shoreline left of the boat launch
- Cornwall harbor
- Behind Heritage high school
- Gray’s Creek Conservation Area
- Charlottenburg
- Long Sault Parkway
Additional Events
Looking for other fun things to do in Cornwall? Make sure to check out our Events page for info on upcoming events in the area!
Additional Information
Planning a visit to Cornwall? Cornwall Tourism can help. Email us at to request a copy of our Visitor Guide or contact us at (613) 936-0842. You can also stop by our Visitor Information Centre inside the Cornwall Community Museum (160 Water Street West) in Lamoureux Park.
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Article by Sophie Poirier