SDG Rock Hunt inspires outdoor adventure

Cornwall and SDG is full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Now there’s some small treasures to be uncovered as well.

The treasure comes in the form of SDG Rock Hunt, a new grassroots initiative that combines community, art and outdoor adventure in a fun new way.

Launched by the Lefebvre family of Cornwall, the concept is pretty simple – beautifully-painted rocks are hidden in parks, waterfront areas and public spaces throughout Cornwall and SDG for others to find. Those who find a rock can either keep it as a souvenir, re-hide it for someone else to find or exchange it with one of their own.

A Facebook page and Instagram account have been created for fans to follow along and get occasional clues about rocks. Participants are also encouraged to post pictures of rocks they’ve hidden or found.

“It’s a fun way to get people outdoors exploring and creating new memories, and it also includes technology,” said Eric Lefebvre, who is spearheading the initiative with his wife Karen Deruchie and daughter Eleanor.

It’s also a unique way to provide a memorable experience and souvenir to a visitor – which is exactly how the Lefebvre’s fell upon the idea.

They discovered a beautifully-painted rock hidden on a large piece of drift wood during a family trip to Victoria Island, B.C. A family member then told them about the Sooke to Sydney Rock Hunt, a cross-community scavenger hunt that became a phenomenon across the Greater Victoria region last summer. The Lefebvre’s kept the rock and brought the idea home to their hometown.

“The hope is to brighten someone’s day in a small way and bring a bit of extra colour to our community,” he added.

So far, there are approximately 12 painted rocks hidden around Cornwall, with more expected to be added in the surrounding area over the weekend. The hope is that interest will build and others will begin to participate by painting and hiding rocks throughout the community as well.

SDG Rock Hunt

SDG Rock Hunt

Want to get involved?

Want to join in the fun? The more, the merrier! According to the Lefebvre’s, acrylic paint, oil-based paint markers and gel pens work best for painting the rocks. To ensure consistency, here are some other guidelines to follow for SDG Rock Hunt:

– Rocks must be labelled with SDG Rock Hunt on the back. The rocks should also be sealed using resin, spray, duraclear or other similar sealants (not mod podge).

– When you find a rock, you can leave it, re-hide it, replace it or keep it. Participants are asked to only keep 1 rock per person per location. Rocks should be re-hidden in the same general area.

– Post photos of rocks you have hidden and rocks you have found on social media and the SDG Rock Hunt Facebook page.

– Be respectful in where you hide your rocks: not in cemeteries, places of worship, private property, malls or dangerous locations.

– Please do not take bare rocks to paint from provincial parks or restricted areas or private property.

For more information and guidelines on participating, make sure to check out the SDG Rock Hunt Facebook page and Instagram account.

Happy hunting!

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Additional Information

Planning a visit to Cornwall? Cornwall Tourism can help. Email us at to request a copy of our Visitor Guide or contact us at (613) 936-0842. You can also stop by our seasonal Visitor Information Centre inside the Cornwall Community Museum in Lamoureux Park. The Museum is located at 160 Water Street West, just steps away from the children’s splashpad and play structure. Free parking is available immediately north of the Museum along Water Street.

The seasonal Visitor Information Centre is open seven days a week (8:30 am to 4:30 pm) through the summer months.

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Article by Kevin Lajoie