TDCC Reviewing Application Process to Ensure Continued Success

The first six months of operation for the Tourism Development Corporation of Cornwall (TDCC) have been very productive.  Funding was provided to close to 20 programs and events contributing an injection of over $140,000 to the local tourism economy.

“In order to ensure the Board continues to provide funding in the most effective manner, we will take a short pause from accepting applications for the month of April” shares TDCC Chair, Etienne Saint-Aubin.  The TDCC will be taking time to take a closer look at the application and review processes, as well as reviewing the criteria of the fund and other terms and conditions of the program. “Our purpose is to make sure that the whole process is as clear and as effective as possible” said Saint-Aubin.

Applications will be received up to March 30, 2020 and then again starting May 1, 2020.  Any changes to the application, criteria or otherwise will be communicated to the public via a media release and posted on  Applications received after May 1 will be reviewed based on the new terms and conditions.

“We don’t anticipate any major changes to the terms, and the fund will always exist to support the local tourism industry” continues Saint-Aubin. “The analysis process is simply to put terms in place that will better serve applicants, and ensure the review process is as transparent as possible.”

The Tourism Fund was a brand-new initiative in July 2019, and now with over six months of receiving and reviewing applications the TDCC feels that the knowledge and experience gained can be used to improve the process.

Applicants are encouraged to contact Amy Malyon, Cornwall Tourism Coordinator should they have any questions on how, when and why to apply to the Tourism Fund.

For additional information on this media release, please contact:

Etienne Saint – Aubin, Chair
Tourism Development Corporation of Cornwall

About the Cornwall Tourism Development Fund

The Cornwall Tourism Development Fund was established in 2019 to support efforts to grow tourism activity in the City of Cornwall.

The fund has two streams:

– The Festivals and Special Events Stream provides support to festivals (new or existing), conferences, major sporting events and other events that demonstrate the capacity to attract a significant number of visitors to Cornwall.

– The Attractions and Tourism Product Development Stream provides support for enhancements to or the creation of new infrastructure, business, product offering or facility that will result in a measurable improvement to the tourism offering in Cornwall.

Source of Funds

The TDF is supported by revenue collected annually by the City of Cornwall through the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT).

For additional information on the Municipal Accommodation Tax, please click here.

Administration of the Fund

The TDF is administered by the Tourism Development Corporation of Cornwall, an independent not-for-profit corporation that operates under a service agreement with the City of Cornwall.

Additional Information

Planning a visit to Cornwall? Cornwall Tourism can help. Email us at to request a copy of our Visitor Guide or contact us at (613) 933-0074. You can also stop by the Cornwall Tourism office inside the Cornwall Civic Complex at 100 Water Street East. The office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

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Article by Amy Malyon