Tourism Development Fund awards first grants

Downtown Cornwall and Lamoureux Park

Downtown Cornwall and Lamoureux Park

The Tourism Development Corporation of Cornwall (TDCC) is excited to announce the inaugural grants that have been awarded from the Tourism Development Fund (TDF).

“We are pleased to be able to support a number of projects that will positively impact Cornwall’s tourism sector,” states Tim Mills, Chair of the TDCC.

The first round of evaluations have concluded in the funding of three special events: The Shorty Jenkins Curling Classic ($15,000), Apples and Art Studio Tour ($10,000) and the 2019 Cornwall SDG Counties Pan American Bass Championship ($7,500). A total of $32,500 has been awarded, primarily to assist these events with their marketing efforts outside the area.

“The Board of Directors is pleased to have had such a successful first round of applications,” added Mr. Mills. “We look forward to funding more projects over the next few months.”

Intake for applications is on going, and additional applications are currently being reviewed.

Future applicants are encouraged to submit applications a minimum of 90 days prior to any event, as no retroactive funding will be provided.

Applications are reviewed by an Advisory Committee made up of community stakeholders which makes recommendations to the TDCC Board of Directors.

Applications are assessed on a number of factors such as increase in tourism attendance, overnight stays and visitor spending, positive exposure for Cornwall, enhancement of
Cornwall’s tourism offering, strengthening of Cornwall’s position as a visitor destination, and the like.

For additional information on the Tourism Development Fund and to access the application forms, please visit

Questions about the fund and the suitability of a project can be addressed to Tim Mills, Chair of the TDCC, through Amy Malyon, Tourism Coordinator at 613-930-2787 ext. 2285 or

About the Cornwall Tourism Development Fund

The Cornwall Tourism Development Fund was established in 2019 to support efforts to grow tourism activity in the City of Cornwall.

The fund has two streams:

– The Festivals and Special Events Stream provides support to festivals (new or existing), conferences, major sporting events and other events that demonstrate the capacity to attract a significant number of visitors to Cornwall.

– The Attractions and Tourism Product Development Stream provides support for enhancements to or the creation of new infrastructure, business, product offering or facility that will result in a measurable improvement to the tourism offering in Cornwall.

Source of Funds

The TDF is supported by revenue collected annually by the City of Cornwall through the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT).

For additional information on the Municipal Accommodation Tax, please click here.

Administration of the Fund

The TDF is administered by the Tourism Development Corporation of Cornwall, an independent not-for-profit corporation that operates under a service agreement with the City of Cornwall.