‘Pop’ into the world of virtual reality

Pop Goes the City
Pop Goes the City

Unchain yourself from pandemic restrictions in a safe way. Get out, travel, go to the gym – all from the comfort of your living room.

Pop Goes the City is here to provide unique experiences right from the comfort of your own home at an affordable price.

For as little as $30 for a one-day rental, Pop Goes the City can provide an Oculus Quest 2 64GB VR Headset with touch controllers that comes with a suite of digital experiences.

Pre-installed on each headset are programs like Supernatural, a cardio workout program. Work out to your favourite music hits while getting healthy with Supernatural.

Workouts of different intensities and lengths are accompanied by music from a variety of genres, all guided by a personal coach and taking place virtually at breathtaking vistas like the salt flats of Utah, the beautiful beaches of Thailand, or even the surface of Mars!

Walk among the ruins of Machu Picchu, swim with the sharks in the ocean or explore the limits of space with the National Geographic VR program. After a long day of working out and travel, return to Earth and find inner peace with the Tripp Meditation App on the Oculus.

The philosophy behind Pop Goes the City is to promote the sharing economy by providing experiences to Cornwall and the surrounding community in a sustainable way. Rather than seeing hundreds of dollars spent on an Oculus for occasional private use, Pop Goes the City wants to help protect the environment by providing access to this technology when our users need it and in a sustainable way.

“Our dedication to promoting sustainability through the sharing economy doesn’t end at virtual reality. Pop Goes the City is just the beginning of a larger initiative aimed at making a range of different technologies more accessible and sustainable to use. Stay tuned!” says Pop Goes the City founder Kelly Bergeron.

Additional information

Take a step into the virtual world today by booking an Oculus rental on the Pop Goes the City website popgoesthecity.ca.

Delivery within Cornwall city boundaries is free.

Play it safe!

We all have a part to play in combating the spread of COVID-19. Residents are encouraged to wear masks, practice frequent hand washing and physical distancing, and stay home if not feeling well. For the latest guidelines and restrictions related to COVID-19, please visit the Eastern Ontario Health Unit website.


Looking for other fun things to do in Cornwall? Check out the Explore section of our website for other fun-filled activities to keep you busy. Better yet, consider extending your stay with a night at one of our great accommodations!

Got a question?

Got questions? Need recommendations? We’re here to help! Call or text us at 613-938-4748 or email us at info@cornwalltourism.com and we’ll be pleased to help you with any questions you may have!

Also make sure to check us out on Facebook and Instagram for updates and more great reasons to visit Cornwall!